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Moravian Church




Whether you're just passing through or looking for a new spiritual home, we'd love to have you join us.



Led by Pastor Greg Behrend

Worship on Sundays @ 10am

Communion 1st Sunday of the Month

Contemporary Worship 3rd Sunday of the Month

In Person: W3471 Center Valley Road      

Appleton, WI 54913


*In the event of inclement weather, a decision on whether church will be held will be made the night prior and emailed to the congregation and posted on Facebook (link at bottom of page). 





Upcoming Important Dates

3/30: Confirmation Class, 11 am-12 pm

4/6: Communion Sunday

4/13: Palm and Confirmation Sunday

4/17: Good Friday services, 1 & 7 pm

4/20: Sunrise 5:45 am, Worship 10 am 


CEC Easter Egg Hunt

This year's Easter Egg Hunt will be held at 9 am Easter morning (prior to Sunday school). All kids 5th grade and under are welcome to participate.


Easter Sunrise Service Breakfast

Join us for breakfast after Sunrise Service Easter morning. Youth are welcome to help with set up the day before. There is no cost for the breakfast, but there will be a free will offering to support youth activities. A sign-up sheet for food donations is in the narthex. Please see Rock or Robin Petit with questions.


Easter Lilies

If you would like to donate an Easter lily (or other spring flower) in memory or honor of a loved one, please leave them on a table in the social hall AFTER Palm Sunday. Contact Jeanne Sprister with questions


Opportunities to Serve

The church is looking for someone that is interested in learning how to work the livestream and update the church sign. See a trustee if interested.


Rummage Sale

The dates for the 2025 church rummage sale have been set. The sale will be May 15th and 16th. More details will be coming soon. Please reach out to Jeanne Sprister with questions.


Freedom Food Pantry Donations of the Month

Each month, Mary and Martha organizes a donation drive for the Freedom Food pantry. Donations of all foods are welcome, please leave donations in the Narthex.


Quarterly Congregational Meetings

The Joint Board will be holding quarterly congregational meetings after church in March, June, September, and December for 15 minutes each to update the congregation on their work. ​​​​​​


Fellowship Breakfast

4/5 @ 8 am, Social Hall

Join us for fellowship, discussion, and good food!

Contact Mike Mischnick with questions.​


Sunday School Dates

A K-5 class will be held every other Sunday from 9:45-10:45.

Class Dates:​​​

  • April 6th and 20th

  • May 4th and 18th​​​​​​


April Ushering Schedule

4/6: Patti Dombrowski and Nancy Land

4/13: Chelsey and Sam Thiel

4/20: Ben and Karen Muenster

4/27: Rock and Robin Petit


Social Hour

Join us at 9 am on each first Sunday of the month for a social hour! Refreshments will be served. â€‹If you would like host the snacks for social hour, there is a sign-up in the Narthex.​








Contact us


Phone: (920) 734-1278

Facebook: Freedom Moravian Church

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